
Applying Computer Game tricks of Motivation and Engagement to the Real World - Real WorldGame.

would it make Sisyphus happy?

Oct'2010 - designing GameMechanics

Nov'2010 - just having points/Badge-s doesn't do it. Gamification is an inadvertent con. It tricks people into believing that there’s a simple way to imbue their thing (bank, gym, job, government, genital health outreach program, etc) with the psychological, emotional and social power of a great game. And when their gamified thing doesn’t deliver on that promise, the only rational thing for them to do is to turn round and say ‘Games don’t work! We gamified the dickens out of this thing, and it still didn’t make as much money/reach as many users/generate as much social heat as World Of Warcraft/Farm Ville/MineCraft’. Any game designer looking at their gamified thing would say, ‘Of course it didn’t do what those things did! Those things are all games and your thing isn’t!’ But they won’t be heard, because they won’t be in the room, since – and this is very telling – the gamification process rarely involves any actual game designers. Gamification is the wrong word for the right idea. The word for what’s happening at the moment is pointsification. There are things that should be pointsified. There are things that should be gamified. There are things that should be both. There are many, many things that should be neither.

Feb'2010: Bernie De Koven and Kathy Sierra are not fans of its typical approach. Don’t make me think it’s a game when it’s not. Don’t make it look like fun when it isn’t. Show me the fun in it, the fun of it. Invite me to the joyful core of it. Share with me the delight.

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